Welcome Back!
Hello and welcome to another issue of UI Designer Weekly!
Today was an incredible day. I’m always finding interesting new designs in newly-released products that keep me up-to-date on the latest interface ideas.
My hope to collect these beautiful, informative, and thought-provoking examples of design, no matter how subtle, and share them with you has been bursting today. I hope these help you see something new and give you ideas you can mix into your work.
Happy to have you here!
New Standards

A New Job for the Chevron
A familiar icon placed beautifully as the back button on the new remote. The left chevron replaces the "Menu" button. This feels like a win hardware and software can share and a blend of design that has grown familiar on our devices coming out back onto the hardware. Perhaps a good sign for us to look for new ways to use this icon in our designs.

Truly Simple Design
Confident design in the way FaceTime uses the space it's given on macOS. The entire window goes to seeing the other person. Familiar placements and styles for your self view, Live Photo capture, and call controls help you keep what you learn from iOS.

Nice Way to Highlight an iPhone
You can use horizontal and vertical separation to create these "breakout" moments. A beautiful overall arrangement that makes the iPhone feel elevated and easy to take in.

Quiet Consistency Between Maps and Find My
A design that helps you use Find My if you already know Maps and vice-versa. Designing this way can help people continue to use our products and understand them even as they do begin to do more.

An Easy, Clear List
A list that's easy to read and easy on the eyes. You can use a single font on every item and center the list and the graphic at the end. No separator on the top. A beautiful way to list out information that is meant to be friendlier.